St. Joseph Announcements
IT'S ALMOST THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN; time to give up meat for the Great Fast. Before we do, let's feast! The Antiochian Women are sponsoring Meatballs for Meatfare and ask for your participation. We would like to offer a serving of meatballs to parishioners after liturgy next Sunday, February 23. Sign up in eblast.
THE BROTHERHOOD OF SAINT JAMES (St Joseph Men’s Group) continues their annual membership drive. All men are welcomed and encouraged to join! Our fellowship provides services and needed support for the church and the community. Dues remain at $50/year: cash, check, or credit card. Come meet the Officers in the Hall after liturgy!
SPEAKING OF MEN... wanna go to Mount Athos this fall? St Luke Church in Erie, CO, is organizing just the trip! There are only 16 slots at this point, "first come." Got questions? You may contact Fr David or the tour guide, Fr Ilya.
ORDER OF ST IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH: Please consider becoming a member of the Order. You can provide life-changing support to the Orthodox community at a variety of different giving levels, starting with Knight and Dame memberships for as little as $42 per month or, for those under 26 years old, $25 per month. If you are already a member of the Order, please consider upgrading your membership so that the Order can keep ahead of ever-rising prices. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Order or upgrading your membership, please see Graham Valenta in the Hall after the late Liturgy.
LENTEN RETREAT: "Sola Scriptura - This is Not the Bible You Thought It Was" with Fr. John Whiteford. Learn more and register here.
SAINT EMMELIA'S MOMS: Moms and kids are welcome to join us Wednesday mornings at 9AM. We meet Fr Joseph for prayers in the church, a short lesson on something relevant that week, and Q&A. Afterwards, we play and visit until almost noon. We’ve had a steady group of about 8 families every week, and hoping to welcome more regulars this year. Join us!
HIS GRACE, BISHOP THOMAS will be with us the weekend of February 23.
There will be only one Liturgy (no 8AM service) next Sunday.
8:30AM Orthros
10AM Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Meatballs for Meatfare to follow (last day for meat until Pascha 😉)
More details forthcoming!
ALSO: There will be only one Liturgy on March 2.
8:30AM Orthros / 10AM Divine Liturgy
Vespers & Rite of Mutual Forgiveness to follow.
PASCHA: April 20
PROSPHORA VOLUNTEERS: Thanks to all who have been signing up! Please consider signing up. The link is in the member’s section.
2025 MEMBERSHIP FORMS are available in the hall or online . A new form must be on file each year for members to be in good standing. Our General Fund, which pays the operating expenses of the parish, does not receive money from the archdiocese, festivals, dances, or galas. The members of St. Joseph Church are the sole source of parish income. Occasional fundraising events are for non-budgeted items, building projects, or special ministries. The work and ministry of St. Joseph Church is made possible by tithing and pledging members. May God bless your generosity!
BURIAL: St. Joseph is one of the contributing parishes making possible an Orthodox Cemetery in Houston; we have a section reserved for Orthodox Christians at Forest Park, Westheimer. Please help sustain this ministry by making your arrangements in advance; see Fr. Joseph for information. May God rest the souls of our faithful departed – and grant you and yours long life!
KROGER: If you have a rewards card with Kroger, please add St. Joseph's to your rewards program through the online community rewards! This can only be done at Thank you!
DEADLINES: The deadline for Monday’s eblast (other than Sunday pics) is Noon on Friday. The deadline for Sunday's bulletin is Noon on Monday.
PRAYER LIST UPDATES: Names are listed in Health & Wellbeing for a maximum of 40 days. Thank you for your understanding. Should someone's name need to be added to the H&W list (illness, surgery, job transition, etc), please contact Fr Joseph.
Please pray for:
With Child: Claire Reiter (8/5), Justine Dalbey (6/14), Cynthia Nassif (5/31)
Homecare/Facility: Nicolae Maxim, Melissa McCutcheon, David & Rebecca Gilpin
Health & Wellbeing: Shelby Butts, Amelia Markantonis, Tiffani Clark, Virginia, Ellen Vanderkolk, Gayle Born, Marilyn Johnson, Michelle Naff, Curt Bancroft, Georgia Gerkey, Ray Connell, Kathy Luckenbach, Archpriest Michael Pavez, Ruth Swaty, Markella Pittas, Jennifer Myres, Nouhad Bassila, Susan Barry, James Lardas, Nicholas, Zane Pramudji, Helen Nelson, John Barron, Kathy Burns, Murrell Stewart, Belle & Geoff Haddad, May Bassila, Rachel Beard, Dimos Pittas, Chuck Lickteig, Irene Nelson, David Phan, Hieromonk Paul
Supported Ministries: The Saint Constantine School / College, Fellowship of St Moses the Black, Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry, East Spring Branch Food Pantry, Yelena Popovic & Alexandros Potter (SimeonFaith), Monastery of the Life-Giving Trinity, Holy Archangels Monastery, St Paraskevi Monastery, FOCUS/The Nest, First Things Foundation / Seth Levine-Sierra Leone
Military: Noah, Daniel & Anna Birthisel
Catechumens: Christian Groff, Christian Mayeaux, Bailey Reedy, Sarah Harrington, Andrew Donahue, Yullian Bolka, Kevin Stevens, Ryan Pierce, Conley Carter, Gregory Antes, Justin Smith, Steven White, Ryan Burke & Jillian Favor, Larry & Larry Jr Delarosa, Wyatt Collins, Steven Salinas & Mirian Serrano, Rich & Pamela Bartel, Wes Bowden, Christi Pramudji, Zoë Hughes, Luis Negrete, Mary Judah Rudd, Amy & Alex Shevchenko, Katie Hire
Newly Illumined: Andrew Demaree, Mila Mary Dyal, Sachin Yevgeny Murthy; Colton James, Emeleigh Emmelia, Waylon James, Ripp David & Josephine Helen Harrington; Raul Artemos, Jennifer Genevieve & Rafael Turcios; David, Sarah Elizabeth, Liliana Anna & Jasmine Elizabeth Peña
Departed: Archbishop Anastasios (1/25), Matushka Susanne Senyo (1/18), Augustin Presan (1/17)
If you are currently a member of St. Joseph and would like to add an announcement to the bulletin and website, please .