Young Adult Ministry (20/35)

YAMOur mission is to cultivate and educate our young adults, leading them to the fullness of the Faith and likeness of God; by utilizing the four circles of Christian living, Worship, Fellowship, Service, and Witness, young adults are integrated into the life of the Church enabling them to become active members of the body of Christ.

We minister to the Christian Orthodox young adults. There appears to be two general groups within 20-35: the college-aged group (20-25) and the career-aged group (25-35ish). Within these groups there can also be many more subsets: married, with children, graduate school, etc. We strive to minister to all young adults in the community as they transition through their different life stages. We try to bring these groups together for dialogue and interaction on occasion, as each group will benefit from the life stages of the others.

Belonging to YAM depends solely on being an Orthodox Christian. A young adult who participates is not classified as a member or non-member—if you are a member of the Faith, you belong! That is, you are participants rather than members. We welcome Non-Orthodox to participate in the young adult program to enjoy our fellowship and learn a little more about our faith.